A Compilation of Nearby Galaxies Distances
Last updated: 2005-03-02
Minor Changes (Acknowledgments added, typos corrected): 2005-03-13

I present here a compilation of over 1300 measures of nearby galaxies distances. Most of them are nearer than 10 Mpc, but a few exceed this value partly because they belong to groups approx. 10 Mpc away (e.g. the Leo Group), partly because the uncertainties in measurements, so that some author estimates at greater distance a galaxy which another one puts at less than 10 Mpc.

A small number of galaxies, sometimes referred to as nearer than 10 Mpc, but certaintly more distant, are collected here.

The aim of this work is to provide a state of art view of a field, that of measurements of distances outside the Milky Way,  which is now flourishing, but for which the available catalogs are not too numerous. Galaxies farther than 10 Mpc are disregarded due to their increasing number, so only  the "Local Volume" is mapped here

This compilation was primarily intended as a tool for the author's work on grouping of nearby galaxies; at these very nearby distances the Hubble flow is not completely reliable as a yardstick, so the galaxy distances have to be inserted "by hand" in every sample.

This table originates from the merging of two recent catalogues of nearby galaxy distances: Karachentsev et al, "A catalogue of neighboring galaxies", 2004, AJ, 127, 2031 and Whiting, "Light and motion in the local volume", astro-ph/0412090. The resulting table has been augmented with a number of references having a large number of calculated or measured distances:
De Vaucoluers et al, 1979 ApJ 227, 729 (distances from tertiary methods); Bottinelli et al. 1985, ApJS, 59,293 (sosies method); de Vaucouleurs, G., et al. 1981, ApJ, 248,408 (Tully-Fisher distances), and Tully, Nearby Galaxy Catalogue, 1998, furnishing a uniform table of distance values, mostly from Hubble law, to date still accurate, notwithstanding the time elapsed. Also, a query to LEDA database has supplied some distances calculated from secondary methods (Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson). A number of monographic studies on single galaxies have been read, and their measurements reported also.

For each galaxy are given its name, or names, and its position in the equinox J2000; these data are given once, at the first record for that galaxy.

Standard names are used; denomination as "Axxx.xxx" referred to "anonymous" galaxies are avoided. As a rule the following precedences are given: Common names (as Carina dwarf), Messier numbers, NGC, DDO, UGC, ESO, others. This rule is not strictly enforced, however.

Denominations comes from the main catalogues with the usual abbreviations:
AM Halton C. Arp, Barry F. Madore, "A Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations: Positions and Descriptions" (Vol 1), "Selected Photographs" (Vol 2), Cambridge University Press.
Arp Halton Arp, Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 14:1 (1966), and California Institute of Technology (reprinted 1978)
BK Borngen, F., Karachentseva, V.E., 1982, AN, 303, 287 and 1985, AN, 302, 301
BTS Bingeli, B, Tarenghi, M., Sandage, A., 1990, A&A, 228, 42
CFC97 Côté, S., Freeman, K., Carignian, C., & Quinn, P. J. 1997, AJ, 114, 1313
CGCG Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Zwicky, F., et al., 1961-68, Calif. Inst, of Techn., Pasadena, 6 vols.
Dxxx-xx means objects from LSBC, Ferguson and Sandage, 1988, 1992
DDO David Dunlop Observatory (Sidney van den Bergh. "Luminosity Classifications of Dwarf Galaxies"', 1966, AJ,71,922-926
Dwingeloo Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxies Survey, Hennings, D.A., et al., 1998, AJ, 114, 584, and related papers.
GR Gibson Reaves, "Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster", 1956, AJ, 61,69
FM2000 Froblich and Meusinger, H., 2000, A&AS, 145, 229
FS90 Ferguson, H. C., & Sandage, A. 1990, AJ, 100, 1
HIDEEP Michir, R.F. et al., 2003, MNRAS, 346, 787
HIJASS HI Jodrell All Sky Survey, hypass.aus-vo.org
HIPASS HI Parkes All Sky Survey, www.jb.ma.ac.uk/research/hijass
Ho Holmberg Galaxies. Holmberg I-V: Holmberg, Erik, 1950. A photometric study of nearby galaxies. Lund Medd. Astron. Obs. Ser. II, 128, 1 (1950). Holmberg VI-VIII: Holmberg, Erik, 1958. A photographic photometry of extragalactic nebulae. Lund Medd. Astron. Obs. Ser. II, 136, 1 (1958). Holmberg IX from later literature (RC2 quotes Ark.f.A., 5, No. 20, 1969).
HS98 Huctmeier, W.K., Skillmann, E.D., 1998, A&AS, 127, 269
IC Index catalogue (Dreyer 1895) and Second Index Catalogue (Dreyer, 1908)
KDG Karachentseva, V.E., "A Catalogue of Dwarf Galaxies", Soobschch. Byurakan Obs., 1968, 39, 62
KK98 Kopylova, P.G., and Kopylov, A.I., 1998, Ast.L., 24, 491
KK2000 Karachentseva, V.E., , Karachentsev, I.D., 2000, A&AS, 146, 359
KKH Karachentsev, Karacentseva & Huchtmeier, 2001
KM96 Karachentsev, I. D., & Musella, I. 1996, A&A, 315, 348
KKR Karachentseva, V.E., Karachentsev, I.D., Richer, G.M., 2000, A&AS, 147, 187
KKS2000 Karachentsev, I.D., Karachentseva, V.E., Suclov, A.A. & Grebel, E.K., 2000, A&AS, 145, 415
LeG Leo Group Catalogue
M Messier
Mailyan Mailyan Dwarf Galaxy Catalogue, 1973, revised by Madore, B. F., et al., 1994, PASP, 106, 63
MB McCall, M.L., Buta. R.J., 1995, IAUC, 6159A, 1
MCG Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies (Vorontsov-Velyaminov and Arhipova, Moscow State University, 1962-1968, 4 volumes)
NGC New General Catalogue (Dreyer, 1888)
PGC Principal Galaxies Catalogue (G. Paturel, P. Fouque, L. Bottinelli and L. Gougenheim , 1989-1995. An extragalactic database. I - The Catalogue of Principal Galaxies, 1989, A&AS, 1989, 80, 299-315, and subsequent papers).
UGC Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (P.N. Nilson, Uppsala, 1973)
UGCA Catalogue of Selected Non-UGC Galaxies (P.N. Nilson, Uppsala, 1974)

Coordinates come from NED or LEDA.

Every line reports, as a rule, a single reference and its measurement relative to a galaxy; but some rows has homogenized data from Whiting; these ones will be removed and replaced with the reference to the original sources. When in the sources the distance is given as modulus, the usual conversion formulae are used:

D/Mpc = 10^{(\mu -25)/5}

E_D  =  (D/Mpc)*(E_{\mu})* ln(10)/5

where D is the distance, E_D its error, \mu the distance modulus and E_{\mu} its error. If translated from distance moduli, distances and their errors are given tha same number of decimal places as in the source: e.g., \mu = 27.0 becomes 2.5Mpc, and \mu=27.02 becomes 2.54Mpc, and so on (note that 27.00 is not equal to 27.0).

Starred (*) errors come from Whiting, astro-ph/0412090; the other from the original references (except for LEDA, see below).

In a few cases references indicates only upper or lower limits; in this case the abbreviation are used of :
> to indicate a lower limit and < for an upper limit (sometimes with them errors)

For LEDA distances this author adopts the following errors:
0.4 mag for either Tully Fisher or Faber Jackson; 0.3 when both are present, what happens for S0 and early-type spirals. This estimate seems too optimistic, however. LEDA was consulted on 2005.01.29

Original values of distances are reported without any effort to homogenize them; also, a number of older references are given where more recente ones are lacking or discordant.

The method used is indicated as follows:
ceph cepheids
trgb tip of the red giant branch (sometimes the band is indicated) 
(limiting distance: 5 or 6 Mpc with HST, 2.5 Mpc with Keck, see Mendez, B., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 213)
rr ly RR Lyraes
3 Tertiary methods (magnitudes, diameters, luminosity class, luminosity index)
sbf Surface brightness fluctuations
cmd Fitting of the Color-Magnitude Diagram
tf Tully-Fisher
fj Faber-Jackson
mem Membership of a group or a pair
bs Brightest stars (red or blue, sometimes indicated)
HB Horizontal Branch
maser Proper motion of masers
sos sosies 
h Hubble flow
HII Largest HII regions
SN  Supernova (its type and designation are indicated)
gc Globular Clusters Luminosity Function

Data from published articles and preprints (retrivable via ADS or ArXiv) are considered; M.S. and PhD theses are acknowledged too, if freely available on the web.

In the References column the sources are indicate as completely as possible; sometimes, if a paper have many authors, only the first one is given, with the usual abbreviation "et al.".
The "t" indicates Tully, B., "Nearby Galaxy Catalogue", 1998

The table is continually updated as soon as new references are published or old papers are retrieved and analyzed by the author.

An accurate sight shall be given to galaxies having discordant distances.

Feedback is much appreciated; e-mail to: giudice@unina.it;  I'll reply  as soon as possible.

This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Also use has been made of the Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database, supplied by the LEDA team at the Cral-Observatoire di Lyon (France).